El primer crucero Gay de Argentina, zarpará de Buenos Aires a mediados de diciembre de 2011 el Primer Crucero Gay de Argentina.
Durante cuatro noches, la maquinaria de EGO se desplegará para entretener, y asombrar a sus 2000 huéspedes. La nave MSC Opera de 252 metros de eslora, con capacidad para 2200 pasajeros, zarpará el día 12 de Diciembre de 2011, del puerto de Buenos Aires y visitará los puertos de Punta del Este y Montevideo como parte de su itinerario. Siete bares, cuatro restaurants, áreas de jacuzzis, spa, tiendas, teatro, casino, discoteca, 9 cubiertas y 2 grandes piscinas son solo algunas de las comodidades que disfrutaran los más de 2000 gays en esta primera travesía.
De acuerdo a la programación los mejores DJs nacionales e internacionales, y sorpresas cada noche en las fiestas temáticas y en los espectáculos elegidos, harán de EGO, una mega fiesta permanente.
Muchos de los huéspedes llegarán desde otros países. Para ellos los operadores ya diseñaron programas pre y post crucero, recibiéndolos en Buenos Aires con antelación a la salida de la nave, y organizando viajes post crucero a destinos tradicionalmente elegidos por turistas gays y lesbianas, tales como Salta, Iguazú, El Calafate, Mendoza o Bariloche.
Para reservas no dudes en consultarnos.
Argentina to have its first Gay Cruise EGO | Buenos Aires – Montevideo – Punta del Este – Buenos Aires | All on board next December 12th. 2011 for the first Argentinean flagged Gay Cruise to start in the city of Buenos Aires. EGO Gay Cruise will sail for a period of 04 nights with a capacity for 2000 guests on board of the MSC Opera.
EGO Gay Cruise will depart from the city of Buenos Aires and during its voyage will do stops at two of the main cities of Uruguay, Montevideo and Punta del Este, as part of it itinerary. EGO Gay Cruise will not be the first Gay Cruise to come to Argentina, since ATLANTIS Cruises has been a pioneer into this route in the past linking Buenos Aires with Rio de Janeiro for 2 consecutive years. But indeed EGO Gay Cruise will be the first Argentinean flagged gay cruise to sail away.
The MSC Opera 2 main restaurants, La Caravella and L’Approdo and an outdoor restaurant, Il Patio. Each one boasts a top gastronomic selection thanks to the variety of dishes and the high quality of the foods, from choice Italian meats, scrupulously controlled, to fresh fruit. Every product is fresh and carefully handled, such as bread baked on board with the passion and knowledge of the most distinctive boulangerie. Dishes range from traditional and tasty Mediterranean fare, to the most refined international recipes. For a quick lunch choose Le Vele Cafeteria offering the utmost quality and variety in Italian and international cuisine. On MSC Opera guests can choose from 8 bars, inspired by different themes and inimitable in their wine and food selection, thus satisfying even the most sophisticated and demanding palates.
Tourists from all over the world are expected to join this first Argentinean Gay Cruise, and you have to be one of those. Cruise PRE and POST Tours and Accommodation are also available.
For booking do not hesitate to contacting us.!