Villa La Angostura - The garden of Patagonia

The yellow hue of the retamas (broom bush) fills the meandering paths. This wild bush grows vigorously on the shores of Lake Nahuel Huapi and blooms with abandon next to the decorative pink garden lupine. Having so many colors, Villa la Angostura, in Neuquen Province, boasts of the being ¨the garden of Patagonia¨. Due to a unique microclimate, its forests are a bright shade of green. Here, just by taking a deep breath of air you will feel renewed. El amarillo de las retamas invade los sinuosos caminos. Este arbusto silvestre crece a sus anchas en las costas del nahuel huapi y florece gustoso junto a los decorativos lupinos rosados. Con tantos colores, Villa La Angostura, en la provincia de Neuquen, se jacta de ser ¨El jardin de la Patagonia¨. Sus bosques tienen un verde luminoso producto de un microclima único. Por eso, basta respirar su aire para sentirse renovado. This charming mountain village, with its gourmet’s restaurants, cabins, lakes and waterfalls, is located in a valley su...