(Inglish) San Carlos de Bariloche - Gay Friendly

San Carlos de Bariloche is one of the most populuos cities in Rio Negro province and is know as the capital of the Patagonia because of the many options it offers travelers.
Bariloche is city most gay friendly as a new destination for gays al lesbian people in Patagonia. Located on the shore of the Lake Nahuel Huapi, it is surrounded by the coutry´s oldest national park. The Andean forest and the Patagonia plain are some of the enviroments preserved in this Eden, with its surprising array of rivers, lakes, streams and waterfalls next to the Andes range.

The famous Mont Catedral features 75 miles of ski runs with 40 lifts and 20 bars and restaurant. During the summer months, networks of trails invite visitors to experiece the montain´s flora and fauna. Frm the classic Circuito Chico, a loop encompassing the landscapes of the montain range and the historic town center, to ¨canyoning¨, which combines hiking, climbing and swimming the rapids of the Arroyo de la Virgen, the array of the possible excursions is very broad. There are activities to suit the most relaxed vacationer as well as the adventurer in search of an andrenaline rush.

Italian, Austrian, Swiss and German inmigrants left their stamp on the customs and architecture of the city, which celebrated its centennial in 2002. Today, with more than 100.000 inhabitants, not only is it a prime tourist destination, it is also known for the most exquisite artisanal chocolate, smoked meats and the flowers and fruit grown for distribution all over Patagonia.

The city is also a well-know convention site and affords easy acces to towns such as Villa La Angostura, El Bolson and San Martin de los Andes.

Warm in summer, blooming in springtime, white-clad in winter, and adorned with ocher and russet hues in the fall, the beauty of the place awaits every season of the year.

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