A Tour of Patagonia
The Andes exhibits its greatness in the Patagonian provinces. Ancient and silent forests with native species that spread along the bodies of water.
In the mountain tops nature overflows with granite peaks and ice fields that leak their tongues glacial lakes in unsurpassed beauty. Imposing mammals and sea birds living some exotic seasons in the rough coasts of Patagonia where they meet some of their life cycle. Colonies of sea lions are active in islets and Resting. Southern elephant seals are the most important Península Valdés a place to come to the southern right whale in time to procreate (Golfo Nuevo and San José). Maras and guanacos run by steppes and the nest at Punta Tombo penguin colony of more of the planet. The look reflects a surprise visitor to contemplate that this rhythm is repeated since time immemorial. It's mountains and hills. As a high wall to the west, we divided geographically with the sister republic of Chile, Patagonia spine, extend Patagonian Andes-Fueguinos. Landscape of lakes and false beech, snow in winter and wonderful scent of flowers in summer.
To the east, the ocean and beaches. If the sea is always changing, here is more. Warm waters off the coast of Northern Patagonia, surrounded by the ocean current from Brazil, and cold in the south San Matías Gulf, populated by penguins, whales and dolphins. It is also a vast plateau in its central part. Senior steps that descend from the Andes to the sea. Most of the area of Patagonia belongs to this relief. Distant flat horizon where the eye is lost, interrupted only occasionally by the blue ribbon of green lined with large river valleys.
And finally, from this land of extremes, the "End of the World", Tierra del Fuego. Mountains and sea together, as elsewhere in Argentina. Ushuaia, Strait of Magellan, Cape Horn, and why not, as near Antarctica, are names that speak only evoke myths, legends and adventures.

We have a trip for you. Come to Bariloche, the glaciers, whales, Ushuaia, and more.
Nothing like a stroll along the shores of lakes, streams go, visit the shelter and let the light go through the endless horizon of the Andes. Or perhaps enjoy all the luxuries of a 5 star hotel.
Come in and choose the trip you want! BarilocheGayTravel.Com
Bariloche Gay Travel - We are a company of Gay Tourism and Travel that helps you learn more about National Park and the lake region and the lakes region. We are friends and we offer consultancy services in tourism throughout the Patagonian region.
Bariloche Gay Travel Tourism Patagonia in Argentina. A staff of people employed directly assist with the best holiday in the region.
We are part of the GLTB comunity, we proudly promote all kinds of activities, we have an extensive list of Gay FRIENDLYS Hotels according to your needs, we prepare and package holidays in the beautiful city of San Carlos de Bariloche and across the lakes region in argentina.
We offer natural charm of days within our various products and tours.