The Road of the Seven Lakes - Patagonia Argentina - Bariloche
Prepare to be amazed...

Bariloche Gay Travel - info@barilochegaytravel.com
This is a special article on one of the most beautiful journeys around the country: the Seven Lakes' road. Nature slowly comes back to life, flowers show up as a miracle that has remained hidden under the snow, the forest wakes up filled with colors and the sound of singing birds. All that beauty is there, waiting for you, framed by a road that joins Villa La Angostura with San Martin de Los Andes
You can start the Seven Lakes' road either from Bariloche or from San Martin de Los Andes. It goes through all the places situated between Villa La Angostura and San Martin de Los Andes, thus you can also take other starting points for your trip. The one we are going to describe now begins at Villa La Angostura and gives you the chance to visit two national parks: Nahuel Huapi and Lanin. You shouldn't miss this trip, some of the most wonderful lakes and forests in the region and the most secluded places are awaiting you.
There are 184 km from Bariloche to San Martin de Los Andes, only 40 of which are still riprap, the rest are already asphalted. You will need at least one entire day to take this excursion, or better yet, two or three days, if possible. You can find lodging either at Villa La Angostura or San Martin de Los Andes and, during the summer season, hostels and campings function inside the National Park. If you plan to take the trip in only one day, it is better to take this road up to San Martin de Los Andes and go back through Junin de Los Andes and Alicura (routes 234, 40 and 237). It's 260 km in all, but they are completely paved.
How to get to Bariloche?
By car from Buenos Aires: national routes 5, 35, 153, 143, state route 20 (La Pampa), national routes 151, 22, 237. Distance: 1,650 km.
By plane: Bariloche International Airport 1.40 hrs.
By bus: 20/24 hrs
Recomended Gay Friendyl Lodging:
Villa La Angostura
San Martin de los Andes
Also remember that this is a National Park area, preserve nature, take special precautions when lighting fires, do not throw lit cigarette butts and whenever in doubt, ask the forest ranger.
See our recomendations in Bariloche here